lotion for cellulite

Anti-cellulite Exercises That Work

While there are several anti-cellulite options for your dimpled-skin, exercise tops the list. Although exercise may not offer an overnight result, with consistency, your cellulite will improve over time.
That said, exercise gives faster results when combined with other effective tips like healthy eating, adequate water intake, and other potent anti cellulite products.
Exercises involving the glute and legs are great for thigh cellulite as they make your thigh skin tighter.  And while this may not be a fool-proof therapy to expel cellulite buildup on your thigh, tighter and stronger muscles will help reduce its appearance

Five Exercises That Works For Cellulite

Here are examples of effective exercises that can help restore your cellulite-free thigh:


1. Stand erect, with feet put apart and toes pointing forward.
2. Gradually go down until the glutes take a sitting positing. Ensure your toes remains ahead of your knees.
3. Retract to your former standing position.
4. Repeat


While this is almost similar to the normal squat (as above), it feels more challenging as it ends with a jump
1. Do your regular squat (see instruction above)
2. Instead of retracting slowly back to your standing position; make a small lift off your toes.


1. Get a strong bench and stand in front. Erect, with feet not far apart.
2. Place your feet, one after the other
3. Increase the pace over time
4. Repeat

Glute/leg kick-backs

1. Go down on your knees and your palm - an animal-like standing position.
2. Kick your legs backward. Put more energy on your upper thighs and glutes
3. Repeat on both sides. Again. And again.


1. Stand upright with feet together
2. Tilt to your sides, slowly. Squeeze the muscles of both your outer- and inner-thigh muscles.
3. Get back to your default standing position and tilt to the opposite side.
4. Repeat

Include progressions

These exercises will go a long way in fighting your cellulite. However, you may also add barbells and dumbbells – as it suits you.
Try to repeat 13 to 15 times per session
Over time, you may want to increase the repetitions or make the weight heavier.
To avoid muscle tears and strains, do some stretches after each exercise. And even before.
Challenge yourself to two or three 30-minute sessions weekly
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Effective Aerobics and Strength-Training

Rather than sticking to a particular exercise, a fine mix of both strength-training and aerobic exercises is your best bet. Whereas strength exercises aid muscle builds and general skin elasticity, aerobics eliminate fat.
When put together, these workouts will over time help your thighs look smoother.
Here’s a list of aerobic exercises that work on your cellulite thighs

While all these are proven effective ways to improve your thigh cellulite condition, it is important to stick to whichever you enjoy doing most.
You may also want to consult your doctor for a customized workout, based on your body weight and health condition.

Final Note

The hard truth is, there’s no such thing as cellulite prevention – So says The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.
Why routine exercises and healthy dieting helps eradicate the dimply skin patches, incorporating anti-cellulite products speeds up the result.
Celluaid anti-cellulite lotion comes to mind. The lotion does not just remove those unsightly lumps; it redefines the look on cellulite-infested areas and gives your skin a whole new flawless appearance in no time. For more on celluaid lotion, visit celluaid reviews

A research-based product

CelluAid is not just another anti cellulite lotion. CelluAid is the product of a formula which was developed with smart technology. After research, a team of cosmetic chemists created a formula to combat, directly, the natural process with which fat cells operate while reducing the cellulite in the process.
This is one of the reasons why CelluAid is one of the best cellulite creams in the world.

The effect on the skin

CelluAid is not just about what happens below the skin. This cellulite lotion also helps the affected area look like nothing happened there. This is made possible when the lotion rehydrates and replenishes the skin, giving it a smooth and healthy look. With this, the orange peel appearance is eliminated, making it almost impossible to tell if anything occurred in the skin area. 


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